What we do

We supply heat and electricity to homes, businesses, hospitals, schools, farming and industry across the UK


We develop and deliver energy solutions, ranging from sustainable district heating to renewable and industrial energy, to meet the daily needs of our customers and communities.

Our solutions are based at or near the energy user and have an integral role to play in the delivery of a flexible, smart energy future.

Decentralised energy solutions are low carbon and efficient, offering users more choice in how they meet their energy needs and control their energy costs.

Easy, affordable, green energy for everyone.

District heating

District heating efficiently delivers low-carbon, cost-effective heat. However, currently just 2% of the UK’s heat is supplied by district heating networks. With an estimated 50% of buildings in the UK located in areas of suitable density for heat networks, the system has the potential to have a far greater impact.

Gren supplies heat to homes, hospitals, schools and industry.

Gren Energy Ltd Biomass Heat Energy Centre for Muntons Maltings


Our Combined Heat and Power plants generate electricity for local communities and businesses, and the national grid.

Gren Energy Ltd Biomass Energy Centre, Widmerpole

Combined Heat and Power

Combined Heat and Power (CHP) is a highly efficient process that captures and utilises the heat that is a by-product of the electricity generation process. By generating heat and power simultaneously, CHP can reduce carbon emissions by up to 30% compared to separate means of conventional generation via a boiler and power station.

Gren Energy Ltd's Ignis Wick District Heat Network Energy Centre